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Message: #04967

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[EP-tech] Re: Error while starting HTTPD

Hi Dhanwantari,

Have you tried to generate apache.conf as I explained in my previous email? And if so, have you tried any of the alternatives mentioned in the same email?

Please respond to the list, not just to my personal email account, in order for others to be able to help you with your questions as well (so, use reply-all in your email client). This is, after all, a thread that was started in the list.

On 21/10/2015 12:11 μμ, Dhanwantari Prakash Tripathi wrote:
Dear Sir,

I installed successfully on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and it is working properly also.

But, I failed to install on CentOS as the problem exists with apache.conf

I followed the instruction given in one pdf file which is attached herewith for your information.

I hope you will help me so that I can install for my purpose


D. P. Tripathi
Assistant Librarian
Digital Resource Centre
BP Central Library
NIT Rourkela
Odisha - 769008 INDIA
URL: www.librarianguide.co.in
e-mail: tripathidp@nitrkl.ac.in
Mobile: +91-8895296796

From: "George Mamalakis" <mamalos@eng.auth.gr>
To: "Dhanwantari Prakash Tripathi" <tripathidp@nitrkl.ac.in>, eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 1:21:02 PM
Subject: Re: Error while starting HTTPD

Dear Dhanwantari,

I suppose the file should have been created during the installation process. Nonetheless, mine contains this:

# apache.conf include file for EPrints
# Any changes made here will be lost if you run generate_apacheconf
# with the --replace --system options

# Load the perl modules & repository configurations
PerlSwitches -I/usr/share/eprints3/perl_lib
PerlModule EPrints
PerlPostConfigHandler +EPrints::post_config_handler

# Load the per-repository apache configuration
Include /usr/share/eprints3/cfg/apache/*.conf

but its parent folder should contain other files (and subfolders) as well, which are needed for EPrints to run; are you sure you have installed everything correctly?

Try running the following command as the eprints user (within ~eprints folder):

$ ./bin/generate_apacheconf your_repo_name

to generate apache's configuration (changing your_repo_name to your repository name). I assume it'll create all necessary apache files for EPrints to run correctly (if you haven't already created an eprints repository, this should be the time to do it, by running ~./bin/epadmin create).

Good luck.

PS. Doesn't CentOS have a package for EPrints?

On 21/10/2015 09:14 πμ, Dhanwantari Prakash Tripathi wrote:
Dear Sir,

The file does not exist?
How to create the file??

Kindly help.


D. P. Tripathi 
Assistant Librarian 
Digital Resource Centre 
BP Central Library 
NIT Rourkela 
Odisha - 769008 INDIA 
URL: www.librarianguide.co.in 
e-mail: tripathidp@nitrkl.ac.in 
Mobile: +91-8895296796 

This mail has been scanned by Cyberoam based UTM at NIT, Rourkela. If your mail still contains virus forward it to "spam@nitrkl.ac.in"

George Mamalakis

IT and Security Officer, 
Electrical and Computer Engineer (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki),
PhD (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki),
MSc (Imperial College of London)

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

phone number : +30 (2310) 994379

This mail has been scanned by Cyberoam based UTM at NIT, Rourkela. If your mail still contains virus forward it to "spam@nitrkl.ac.in"

George Mamalakis

IT and Security Officer, 
Electrical and Computer Engineer (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki),
PhD (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki),
MSc (Imperial College of London)

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

phone number : +30 (2310) 994379

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