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Message: #04934

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[EP-tech] Re: Check uploaded document for PDF/A compatibility

Do you get an error message?  How did you add the field?

Have you watched my 'adding a new field' training video?  http://wiki.eprints.org/w/Training_Video:Add_A_Field -- it's adding one to an eprint, but it's the same process to add one to a document.

Adam Field
Business Relationship Manager and Community Lead
EPrints Services
+44 (0)23 8059 8814

On 14 Oct 2015, at 13:04, Roth-Steiner, Roland wrote:

> Hello,
> I added two fields in document_fields.pl (val_report and val_good), but the code below (in document_validate.pl), fails to populate them. 
> For checking reasons I tried to write to document-field formatdesc - also to no success.
> $document->set_value  doesn't seem to work  here....
>  #
>  # PDF/A check
>  my $pdf_file_path = $document->file_path;
>  my $cmd = '/srv/bin/pdf-check/is-it-pdfa.sh';
>  my $output = `$cmd $pdf_file_path`;         # whatever you need to do to call the command
>  #my $output = "XXX";
>  $document->set_value( "val_report", $output );
>  #$document->set_value( "val_report", "TESTwrite to val_report NOW" );
>  $document->set_value( "formatdesc", "TESTwrite to formatdesc NOW" ); # check if I can write to formatdesc
>  if ($output && $output =~ m/INVALID/)       # match output indicating failure
>  {
>    $document->set_value( "val_good", 'FALSE' );
>    push @problems, $repository->html_phrase('validate:pdf_not_ideal');
>  } else {
>    $document->set_value( "val_good", 'TRUE' );
>  }
> .......................................
> Roland Roth-Steiner
> M.Sc. Wirtsch.-Inf., Dipl.-Bibl.
> . Univ.- und Landesbibliothek
> ... Elektronische Informationsdienste
> ... Leitung Digitalisierungszentrum
> ... Fachreferat Wirtschaft
> . Magdalenenstr. 8, 64289 Darmstadt
> +49 (0)6151 16-76280
> .......................................
> ________________________________________
> Von: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk]&quot; im Auftrag von &quot;Field A.N. [af05v@ecs.soton.ac.uk]
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 13. Oktober 2015 10:39
> An: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
> Betreff: [EP-tech] Re: Check uploaded document for PDF/A compatibility
> The cfg.d/document_validate.pl configuration file is probably what you want
> https://github.com/eprints/eprints/blob/3.3/lib/defaultcfg/cfg.d/document_validate.pl
> Don't forget you can use backticks to call command-line utitilites if there isn't a perl library to do the work.  Something like:
> my $pdf_file_path = $document->get_main->path;
> my $cmd = '/usr/local/bin/thingy';
> my $output = `$cmd --file=$pdf_file_path --verbose`; #whatever you need to do to call the command
> if ($output && $output =~ m/this is a bad file/) #match output indicating failure
> {
>        push @problems, $repository->html_phrase('validate:pdf_not_ideal');
> }
> --
> Adam Field
> Business Relationship Manager and Community Lead
> EPrints Services
> +44 (0)23 8059 8814
> On 13 Oct 2015, at 09:20, Roth-Steiner, Roland wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would like to have it checked directly after the upload - so we can inform the user, that we need valid PDF/A and point him to an FAQ with the right howto.
>> Since there will be a huge number of uploads, this needs to be fully automated and, as mentioned, instantly after the upload stage.
>> So where should I best place the call for the PDF/A validation script to have it run directly after document upload?
>> Thanks again
>> .......................................
>> Roland Roth-Steiner
>> M.Sc. Wirtsch.-Inf., Dipl.-Bibl.
>> . Univ.- und Landesbibliothek
>> ... Elektronische Informationsdienste
>> ... Leitung Digitalisierungszentrum
>> ... Fachreferat Wirtschaft
>> . Magdalenenstr. 8, 64289 Darmstadt
>> +49 (0)6151 16-76280
>> .......................................
>> ________________________________________
>> Von: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk]&quot; im Auftrag von &quot;Field A.N. [af05v@ecs.soton.ac.uk]
>> Gesendet: Montag, 12. Oktober 2015 17:37
>> An: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
>> Betreff: [EP-tech] Re: Check uploaded document for PDF/A compatibility
>> You could also define a new issue and have it run by the issues infrastructure.
>> --
>> Adam Field
>> Business Relationship Manager and Community Lead
>> EPrints Services
>> +44 (0)23 8059 8814
>> On 12 Oct 2015, at 15:53, Roth-Steiner, Roland wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> VeraPDF really looks promising + highly configurable....
>>> Where would I best clip in the PDF-checker-script?
>>> In documents_fields_automatic.pl, document_upload.pl, document_validate.pl ?
>>> eprint_validate or eprint_warnings.pl ?
>>> Or maybe in the deposit-stage... ?
>>> Thanks
>>> .......................................
>>> Roland Roth-Steiner
>>> M.Sc. Wirtsch.-Inf., Dipl.-Bibl.
>>> . Univ.- und Landesbibliothek
>>> ... Elektronische Informationsdienste
>>> ... Leitung Digitalisierungszentrum
>>> ... Fachreferat Wirtschaft
>>> . Magdalenenstr. 8, 64289 Darmstadt
>>> +49 (0)6151 16-76280
>>> .......................................
>>> ________________________________________
>>> Von: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk]&quot; im Auftrag von &quot;John Salter [J.Salter@leeds.ac.uk]
>>> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 8. Oktober 2015 14:14
>>> An: 'eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk'
>>> Betreff: [EP-tech] Re: Check uploaded document for PDF/A compatibility
>>> Hi,
>>> I haven't, but I am keeping track of the development of VeraPDF: http://verapdf.org/home/ - which you may be interested in.
>>> Their roadmap is here: http://verapdf.org/roadmap/ - which looks like December 2016 for the first Release - but if anyone wants to get to grips with one of the beta versions - do (and let us know how it goes!).
>>> Cheers,
>>> John
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Roth-Steiner, Roland
>>> Sent: 08 October 2015 12:23
>>> To: Eprints Tech Mailing List
>>> Subject: [EP-tech] Check uploaded document for PDF/A compatibility
>>> Hi list,
>>> i would like to check a document directly after upload (for pdf/A compatibility).
>>> Has anyone already done this?
>>> Thanks
>>> Roland
>>> .......................................
>>> Roland Roth-Steiner
>>> M.Sc. Wirtsch.-Inf., Dipl.-Bibl.
>>> . Univ.- und Landesbibliothek
>>> ... Elektronische Informationsdienste
>>> ... Leitung Digitalisierungszentrum
>>> ... Fachreferat Wirtschaft
>>> . Magdalenenstr. 8, 64289 Darmstadt
>>> +49 (0)6151 16-76280
>>> .......................................
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