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[EP-tech] Re: Call for Action: Video Training Course

Thanks Lizz -- I've updated the video.

Adam Field
Business Relationship Manager and Community Lead
EPrints Services

On 13 Oct 2015, at 13:28, Lizz Jennings <e.jennings@bath.ac.uk> wrote:

Hi Adam,

I've done an index for the Workflow video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAU4whEWSRw)

0:09 Log in as EPrints Administrator
0:10 What are EPrints workflows and where are they used?
0:52 How are they controlled?
1:47 The flow tag: defining stages
2:24 The type and upload stages: simple stages with one or two components
2:45 Finding the stage name in the URL
3:06 The details stage: complex stages
3:29 Structure of a component
3:47 Making fields mandatory: setting the required property
4:02 Conditional fields: showing different fields for different types of item
4:48 Practical example: how to edit the workflow to make a field required
5:56 Multiple fields in one component
7:24 Setting requirements differently for different item types
7:47 Practical example: making a field required for one item type
8:54 Practical example: Removing a field from the workflow


Lizz Jennings BA MSc ACLIP MCLIP (Revalidated 2015)
Technical Data Officer
The Library 4.10, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY UK
Ext. 3570 (External 01225 383570)
Research Data Management: http://www.bath.ac.uk/research/data

-----Original Message-----
From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Field A.N.
Sent: 12 October 2015 17:40
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: [EP-tech] Call for Action: Video Training Course


OK, the page at http://wiki.eprints.org/w/EPrints_Training_Course starts to take shape.  I've linked in all of the training videos that currently exist (14 of them, including a new one on search troubleshooting).

I've also created an EPrints Services youtube channel, and moved all the videos to there, and set all the EPrints videos in my personal channel to private.  Let me know if I've mislinked any videos, or anything isn't working (I needed to reupload them all, and copy in all the annotations).

OK, so now for the community part.  I'm happy to keep on creating videos, but I really want this to be me kickstarting some documentation (i.e. a community training course).  I would really like other to start getting involved.  Here are some things that are needed:

* 6 out of the 14 videos don't have an index.  If you send me text in the form of:
01:12 The thing that happens at 72 seconds into the video
03:21 Another amazing thing starts here
03:55 Wait, there's more -- this bit is really interesting
...I can integrate put it on in the youtube description

* The training video pages on the wiki need some love.  We need introductions, context, perhaps the indexes from the youtube pages.  Relevant notes, criticisms, calls for more detail.  They also needs links to other pages on the wiki (i.e. read more about it here).

* If you're feeling really confident, you could make a video yourself, put it up on your personal or corporate channel, and create a training video page.

These are all things that *anyone* in the community can do if they don't feel they are confident enough to put a video out there.  Most of them aren't even particularly time-consuming, so are well-suited to finding a spare 10 minutes every now and again.

As a community, we need to curate our documentation.  I think this is a great way to start.

Adam Field
Business Relationship Manager and Community Lead EPrints Services
+44 (0)23 8059 8814

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