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Message: #04901

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[EP-tech] Re: search for 2-character-string

You could subclass a new metafield type, with a new get_search_conditions function function.  See:


...for how a bit of text is converted into a search value.

I know this isn't a full answer, but it should get you started.

Adam Field
Business Relationship Manager and Community Lead
EPrints Services
+44 (0)23 8059 8814

On 9 Oct 2015, at 17:30, Thomas Lauke wrote:

> Hi Adam,
>> But how to use regular expressions or something similar?
> can you imagine any hack to overcome the contradicting properties of 'text' resp. 'id' fields?
> 'id' type allows search 'as is' without ignoring anything, but _no_ search patterns;
> 'text' type allows search by search patterns, but ignores any pattern less than 3 characters long :(
> Any idea?
> Thomas
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