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Message: #04894

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[EP-tech] How to fix unit_tests failures assuming they are still up-to-date for 3.3.14?

Hi all,

a little bit confused by
/usr/share/eprints3/tests/10_xml_gdome.pl ......... skipped: XML::GDOME missing
contradicting http://wiki.eprints.org/w/Required_software (I am relying on that current page and ignored all other outdated occurences in the  wiki concerning this module ...!) I would like to pass all unittests, but get besides a lot of

Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at /usr/share/eprints3/bin/../perl_lib/EPrints/MetaField/Id.pm line 50.
CGI::param called in list context from package EPrints::Repository line 397, this can lead to vulnerabilities. See the warning in "Fetching the value or values of a single named parameter" at /usr/share/perl5/CGI.pm line 436.

Can't call method "to_xml" on an undefined value at /usr/share/eprints3/bin/../perl_lib/EPrints/Test/XML.pm line 50.
# Looks like you planned 12 tests but ran 9.
# Looks like your test exited with 255 just after 9.
/usr/share/eprints3/tests/10_xml_libxml.pl ........ 
Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
Failed 3/12 subtests

#   Failed test 'subjects and divisions: AND(
#       in_subject($eprint.subjects,"GR") ... eprint_subjects,
#       in_subject($eprint.divisions,"sch_mat") ... eprint_divisions
# )'
#   at /usr/share/eprints3/tests/30_search.pl line 71.

#   Failed test 'match testdata article full text'
#   at /usr/share/eprints3/tests/30_search.pl line 82.

#   Failed test 'search multiple name field
# : SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__index_grep` AS `eprint__index_grep`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid`=`eprint__index_grep`.`eprintid` AND `eprint`.`eprintid`=`eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND (`eprint__index_grep`.`fieldname`='creators_name' AND (`eprint__index_grep`.`grepstring` LIKE '%[neumeier]%-%[m%') AND `eprint__rindex`.`field`='creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word`='neumeier') GROUP BY `eprint`.`eprintid`'
#   at /usr/share/eprints3/tests/30_search.pl line 117.

#   Failed test 'satisfy-any, nomatch multiple'
#   at /usr/share/eprints3/tests/30_search.pl line 132.

#   Failed test 'subject hierarchy'
#   at /usr/share/eprints3/tests/30_search.pl line 160.

#   Failed test 'groupby'
#   at /usr/share/eprints3/tests/30_search.pl line 172.

   Failed test 'satisfy_all => 0'
#   at /usr/share/eprints3/tests/30_search.pl line 295.

#   Failed test 'compound type field query'
#   at /usr/share/eprints3/tests/30_search.pl line 358.

#   Failed test 'title OR abstract: OrSubQuery(
#       AndSubQuery(
#               index($eprint.title,"banded") ... eprint__rindex,
#               index($eprint.title,"gecko") ... eprint__rindex
#       ),
#       AndSubQuery(
#               index($eprint.abstract,"demonstration") ... eprint__rindex,
#               index($eprint.abstract,"data") ... eprint__rindex
#       )
# )
# SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid`=`eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field`='title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word`='banded') AS `and_124737152_0`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid`=`eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field`='title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word`='gecko') AS `and_124737152_1` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid`=`and_124737152_0`.`eprintid` AND `eprint`.`eprintid`=`and_124737152_1`.`eprintid` GROUP BY `eprint`.`eprintid`'
#   at /usr/share/eprints3/tests/30_search.pl line 411.

#   Failed test 'search multiple field
# : AndSubQuery(
#       =($document.relation_type,"http://eprints.org/relation/isVolatileVersionOf";) ... document_relation_type,
#       =($document.relation_type,"http://eprints.org/relation/ispreviewThumbnailVersionOf";) ... document_relation_type
# )
# : SELECT `document`.`docid` FROM `document`, (SELECT `document`.`docid` AS `docid` FROM `document`, `document_relation_type` AS `document_relation_type` WHERE `document`.`docid`=`document_relation_type`.`docid` AND `document_relation_type`.`relation_type` = 'http://eprints.org/relation/isVolatileVersionOf') AS `and_124790440_0`, (SELECT `document`.`docid` AS `docid` FROM `document`, `document_relation_type` AS `document_relation_type` WHERE `document`.`docid`=`document_relation_type`.`docid` AND `document_relation_type`.`relation_type` = 'http://eprints.org/relation/ispreviewThumbnailVersionOf') AS `and_124790440_1` WHERE `document`.`docid`=`and_124790440_0`.`docid` AND `document`.`docid`=`and_124790440_1`.`docid` GROUP BY `document`.`docid`'
#   at /usr/share/eprints3/tests/30_search.pl line 424.

---------------- EPrints System Error ----------------------------
Cannot create sub-object on non-subobject field item_issues
EPrints System Error inducing stack dump
 at /usr/share/eprints3/bin/../perl_lib/EPrints.pm line 147.
        EPrints::abort() called at /usr/share/eprints3/bin/../perl_lib/EPrints/DataObj.pm line 377
        EPrints::DataObj::create_subdataobj(EPrints::DataObj::EPrint=HASH(0x76f4f00), "item_issues", HASH(0x76ffc70)) called at /usr/share/eprints3/tests/30_search.pl line 427
# Looks like you planned 36 tests but ran 34.
# Looks like you failed 10 tests of 34 run.
# Looks like your test exited with 1 just after 34.
/usr/share/eprints3/tests/30_search.pl ............ 
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 12/36 subtests 
        (less 2 skipped subtests: 22 okay)

# memory footprint
Warning! No values were found for eprint.view._40_views_pl [date] - configuration may be wrong
# /tmp/MkGiDnPLAs/en/view/_40_views_pl

#   Failed test 'browse_view_menu'
#   at /usr/share/eprints3/tests/40_views.pl line 67.
#        update_view_by_path=-1B
#        update_browse_view_list=-1B
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 6.
/usr/share/eprints3/tests/40_views.pl ............. 
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/6 subtests 

Bailout called.  Further testing stopped:  Failed to parse http://b40literatur:8080/sword-app/servicedocument :1: parser error : Space required after the Public Identifier

What's wrong?

Thanks in advance

The final recommendation of `epadmin create` should be corrected:
> Note that changing the metadata configuration may require the database
tables to be regenerated. 
> epadmin erase_data will regenerate the eprints and documents tables only. 
epadmin erase_eprints will regenerate the eprints and documents tables only. 
> erase_data will regenerate everything.