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Message: #04844

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[EP-tech] Re: search for 2-character-string

Hi Martin,

> In Advanced Search, allowed are % (matching exactly 1 character) or *
> (matching 0 or any number of characters). Wildcards are only trailing.
imho you are completely right for the following two assumptions:
1. your considered field is of type 'text'
2. the used pattern consists of more than 2 characters

> So something like na* should match those words that start with Na.
no, for our request we get no output and our eprints responds for text field System: System matches "na*" (Ignoring: "na")
for the same request we get no output and our eprints responds for id field System: System matches "na*"

> Currently just a search for the complete system string, ...
System matches "bin*" is also successful for text field :)

> What is not clear to me whether your chemical systems describe general compositions ...
The field describes the general chemical composition of a system in terms of elements including oxidation state. Eg. g. "Na-Pb-Cl-H2O" represents an aqueous system with dissolved sodium, lead and chloride. Or "Hg(II)-Na-OH-H2O" would be mercury in oxidation state (+II) in an aqueous system controlled by NaOH. Implicitly the elemental composition thus includes the occurrence of all aqueous species, including complex species. 

In our databank this has proven to be a practical means to capture information as to the contents of scientific articles, both conveying the essentials and avoiding to overload colleagues who enter the information. Hitherto, these data were handled with in an access databank, which we would like to abandon for good reasons...
