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Message: #04841

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[EP-tech] Re: search for 2-character-string

> Could you give a little more context?
we like to realize something similar to

mysql> select * from eprint_system where system like '%na%';
| eprintid | pos | system                  |
|     6550 |   0 | binary oceanic          |
|     8468 |   7 | Na-p-Toluensulfonat-H2O |
|     8468 |   6 | Li-p-Toluensulfonat-H2O |

but want to search for 'na-%' likewise ...

Currently just a search for the complete system string, like
'Item Status matches any of "User Workarea", "Under Review", "Live Archive" AND System is "binary oceanic"',
is successful ...

Thanks in advance