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Message: #04829

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[EP-tech] Re: Creating a read-only (but read everyting in the archive) user (Field A.N.)

Hi John,

Thanks a lot, it works!

I have added the 

                if( $user->has_role( "staff-view" ) )
                        return "ALLOW";

part to security.pl,
and set the 

staff-view role to the user (without the "+")

and it works!  Thank You!


Andras Holl
Library and Information Centre,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences

>If you look in ~/archives/ARCHIVEID/cfg/cfg.d/security.pl, you will see the ↵
>code that checks document permissions.
>I think that it's this block:
>        if( $security eq "staffonly" )
>        {
>                # If you want to finer tune this, you could create
>                # new privs and use them.
>                # people with priv editor can read this document...
>                if( $user->has_role( "editor" ) )
>                {
>                        return "ALLOW";
>                }
>                if( $user->has_role( "admin" ) )
>                {
>                        return "ALLOW";
>                }
>                # ...as can the user who deposited it...
>                if( $eprint->has_owner( $user ) )
>                {
>                       return "ALLOW";
>                }
>                # ...but nobody else can
>                return "DENY";
>        }
>That is denying your user the access.
>You may want to re-use the staff-view role in these security checks by adding ↵
>something like
>                if( $user->has_role( "staff-view" ) )
>                {
>                        return "ALLOW";
>                }
>NB This is untested - I'd check thoroughly before using it.
>If you're interested in how EPrints gets to the methods in this file, this ↵
>might be useful: ↵
>The Apache handlers are:
>- which in turn call $doc->permit(...)
> - which leads to
>$c->{can_user_view_document}  and/or $c->{can_request_view_document}
>Hope that helps!