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Message: #04788

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[EP-tech] Re: Apache segfault

Anything useful in the logs?

Il 25/09/2015 11:03, Richard Jones ha scritto:
Hi Folks,

I think that I'm experiencing this error:


Yesterday I installed libxml-libxml-perl and libxml-libxslt-perl to fix a problem with XSLT crosswalks not being loaded, and now I'm unable to restart apache.

I installed apache2 on my ubuntu system via the aptitude (so, not from source), and I installed eprints from source and manually installed the dependencies via aptitude.

The troubleshooting guide tells me what the problem might be, but doesn't have a fix - does anyone know how to resolve?




Richard Jones,

Founder, Cottage Labs
t: @richard_d_jones, @cottagelabs
w: http://cottagelabs.com

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