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[EP-tech] Re: enable-web-imports

Or better yet, if you want to leave the default configuration files untouched, you can create a file in archives/repoid/cfg/cfg.d named somehthing like z_enabe_imports.pl and include:

$c->{enable_web_imports} = 1;
$c->{enable_file_imports} = 1;

in it.

Having this in my repository allows (at least) local file imports.

By the way, I thought that enable_web_imports was related to importing files using the web interface, not files located on other web servers (via urls). Instead, I thought that enable_file_imports was responsible for file imports, regardless of their location. But that was probably due to me misinterpreting import's perldoc which reads:

            Allow the imported data to import files from the Web. This can
obviously be seen as a security hole if you don't trust the data
            you are importing. This sets the "enable_web_imports"
            configuration option for this session only.

On 25/09/2015 10:57 πμ, Monica Wood wrote:
Hi Stof,

I¹ve not been keeping up with everything in this thread, but I recently
did a bulk import of theses where I imported the files from a web server.
I had to set the enable_web_imports in the plugins.pl


It wouldn¹t work for me until I had done this.

Monica Wood
Library Systems Officer
Library | Division of Students & Education
University of Tasmania
Locked Bag 25
Hobart 7001
T +61 3 6226 1849

On 25/09/2015 5:20 pm, "cmdt-news@cmdt.ch" <cmdt-news@cmdt.ch> wrote:

hi adam

On 24.09.2015 17:48, Field A.N. wrote:
I thought the --enable-web-imports just worked, and I've seen it work
before, but this was around 6 years ago.  It's always been more
trouble than it's worth to me, and my general approach to big jobs
like this is to divide the work into steps, and make each step as
simple as possible.  Even if that approach seems like more work,
you've got far more recoverability and debug-ability in the process.
you are right but:
our date migration is done in iteration steps.
there are first (and still!) a lot of encoding, mapping, ... trouble.
and the researcher are still adding new publications to the old repo.
so i like to have an approach where everything is done in ONCE,
so that we can migrate the data as many time we need, just with one

I don't think you should be quoting values inside an XML tag, but you
do need to make sure the data is encoded correctly.  The only illegal
characters in XML as far as I know are '<' and '&', so I don't know
why this would be failing.
agree but i still do not know how to enable web import:
403 Access denied by configuration: file imports disabled


-- Adam Field Business Relationship Manager and Community Lead
EPrints Services +44 (0)23 8059 8814

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George Mamalakis

IT and Security Officer,
Electrical and Computer Engineer (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki),
PhD (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki),
MSc (Imperial College of London)

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

phone number : +30 (2310) 994379