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[EP-tech] Re: enable-web-imports

hi george

the full xml for an eprint would include documents and look like:

<eprint id='https://ux-alex-prod.unisg.ch/id/eprint/239574'>
<event_title>Arbeitsvermittlung zwischen Kunst und Kennziffer:
Ermessensspielräume in der managerialen Arbeitsverwaltung</event_title>
<event_location>Universität Potsdam (D)</event_location>
<lastmod>2015-02-27 12:23:08</lastmod>
<datestamp>2015-02-27 12:21:14</datestamp>
<title>Verwaltungsermessen: Versuch einer Typologie aus juristischer
Sicht : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der öffentlichen
<filename>Referat Schindler-Potsdam-Handout.pdf</filename>
<note>title = Verwaltungsermessen: Versuch einer Typologie aus
juristischer Sicht
subtitle = unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der öffentlichen
updatetime = 2015-02-27 12:23:08
language = de
location_of_presentation = Universität Potsdam (D)
idPub = 239574
event = Arbeitsvermittlung zwischen Kunst und Kennziffer:
Ermessensspielräume in der managerialen Arbeitsverwaltung
createtime = 2015-02-27 12:21:14
date_of_publishing = 2015-2-20
owner_auth_user = 2643
id = 3
cod_language = de
type = presentation
research_area = 4
project = 60540


On 25.09.2015 07:20, George Mamalakis wrote:
> Hi Stof,
> And since you've shown us your sample XML file, mind that the <files> 
> section should be enclosed within a 
> <documents><document></document></documents> section in order for your 
> files to be shown within each eprint. Otherwise they won't (if I'm not 
> mistaken).
> The minimum XML syntax required is shown in this list's emai: 
> http://www.eprints.org/tech.php/20718.html that was -ironically- sent 
> one day before your last email (on the 23rd of Sept) :):).
> Of course, don't forget --enable-file-imports when running your import 
> command, as Adam suggested (and as your error implied).
> For more import options, run:
> $ perldoc ./bin/import
> within EPrints' home directory.
> Good luck with your migration!