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Message: #04761

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[EP-tech] cgi/search?myfield=foobar&action=export&format=xml (or whatever the syntax...)

I've searched around but can't find any basic documentation of the cgi/search function, and my mental perl interpreter is struggling with the source code. 

Q: Is it possible with the CGI search interface to send a query string naming a field and a search term, and specify the return format as XML - either full XML for matching records(minus files), or a better still a list of eprint IDs that match the search?  It looks like it should be possible, but a simple example would be a whole lot easier than reverse-engineering the whole search script in my head. 

Thanks in anticipation


Andy Reid
Research Information Manager
Room G43, Executive Office
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Keppel St
+44 020-7927-2618