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[EP-tech] Re: Filtering a view

Hi Adam,

We essentially do exactly that at the moment! http://oro.open.ac.uk/view/person/ (courtesy of my predecessor)


The details of it are in the techlist archive here: http://www.eprints.org/tech.php/15602.html


If that still needs some explaining let me know and I’ll try to make more sense of it.




From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Vials Moore, Adam
Sent: 23 September 2015 16:08
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: [EP-tech] Filtering a view


Hey all!


We are trying to rebuild our author views. Currently we have the standard creator view BUT we no longer use the creator when we generate a new record, instead we have contributor = author. All of our local contributors, no matter whether they are authors, editors etc have a contributor_id property, which is NULL for non UoL contributors.


I was hoping that I could build a view which used the contributor_name and then filter it with a contributor_id not null test but can’t seem to achieve this


Here’s what I came up with – all suggestions appreciated!


                id => "creators",
                allow_null => 0,
                hideempty => 1,
                menus => [
                                fields => [ "contributors_name" ],
                                filters => [ { meta_fields => [  "contributors_id" ], value => "470920", describe => 0 } ],
                                new_column_at => [1, 1],
                                mode => "sections",
                                open_first_section => 1,
                                group_range_function => "EPrints::Update::Views::cluster_ranges_30",
                                grouping_function => "EPrints::Update::Views::group_by_a_to_z",

                order => "-date/title",
                variations => [



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