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Message: #04750

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[EP-tech] DSpace to EPrints Migration resources

(following on from http://www.eprints.org/tech.php/thread-20689.html)

.... I have kicked off wiki page http://wiki.eprints.org/w/Dspace_to_eprints_migration and put links to the two resources I could find while on a train to Birmingham.

I shall nobble colleagues past and present to see if I can get hold of some more. If any one has any stories, tips or complete howTo's on the subject of migrating a Dspace to an Eprints, please add to the page. If you don't have access email me/the tech list and I'll put them up for you.

@George as your experiences are the most recent it would be fantastic if you could share experiences so far (blog post, other wiki page, bunch of text in email, however you choose). And even better if you are able to stick your python script for converting DSpace CSV to EPXML on github.



Rory McNicholl
Lead developer
Digital Archives & Research Technologies
University of London Computer Centre
Senate House
Malet Street

t: +44 (0)20 7863 1344
e: rory.mcnicholl@london.ac.uk
w: http://www.ulcc.ac.uk/

The University of London is an exempt charity in England and Wales.