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[EP-tech] Re: Advanced Search by date
- To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
- Subject: [EP-tech] Re: Advanced Search by date
- From: Jérémy RAINGEARD <jeremy.raingeard@univ-tlse3.fr>
- Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2015 15:36:34 +0200
Hi Adam and thank you.You can find our repository at this address - some thesis are public, some not : http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/ Just choose a subject for example and let the last option as it is ("trier les résultats").
Now, this is the advanced search aprt of my search.pl file - hope it's what you need :
$c->{search}->{advanced} = { search_fields => [ { meta_fields => [ $EPrints::Utils::FULLTEXT ] }, { meta_fields => [ "title" ] }, { meta_fields => [ "creators_name" ] }, { meta_fields => [ "dircreators_name" ] }, { meta_fields => [ "abstract" ] }, { meta_fields => [ "keywords" ] }, { meta_fields => [ "subjects" ] }, #{ meta_fields => [ "type" ] }, { meta_fields => [ "divisions" ] }, { meta_fields => [ "department" ] }, #{ meta_fields => [ "ispublished" ] }, #{ meta_fields => [ "refereed" ] }, #{ meta_fields => [ "publication" ] }, { meta_fields => [ "date" ] }, ], preamble_phrase => "cgi/advsearch:preamble", title_phrase => "cgi/advsearch:adv_search", citation => "result", page_size => 20, order_methods => { "byyear" => "-date/creators_name/title", "byyearoldest" => "date/creators_name/title", "byname" => "creators_name/-date/title", "bytitle" => "title/creators_name/-date" }, default_order => "byyear", }; If necessary, I can add more content of this file or give you more details. Thanks, Jérémy Le 17/09/2015 14:21, Field A.N. a écrit :
Hi Jérémy Firstly, welcome to the community. I so happy that you've been able to work through most of your problems using our documentation, and in only two weeks! Is your repository publicly visible? Can you give me its address so that I can have a play? Also, please post your advanced search configuration. Best WIshes -- Adam Field Business Relationship Manager and Community Lead EPrints Services +44 (0)23 8059 8814 On 17 Sep 2015, at 09:18, Jérémy RAINGEARD wrote:Hello, My university asked me to help them with some eprints problems - I didn't even know what eprints was - in only 2 weeks. I managed to correct all problems thanks to your documentation, but I'm stuck with the last problem and I have no error message to help me to resolve it. First, when we used our advanced search and sorted results by date, it only sorted it by author name even if we had a date > author > title sorting. Now, I manage to sort it by date, but only from 2010 to 2015. Before - probably an upgrade of eprints they told me - it's sometimes in the right order, but sometimes not and, in this case, the order is by the author name. I don't know how to reorder the wrong ones. I checked my tables and saw an "eprints__order_values_fr" - we don't use it's EN version. I don't know if the problem is there but when thesis are in the good order, they appear in this table and when they're in the wrong order, they're not in it. Could you please tell me how to correct this wrong behavior please ? Thank you. Jérémy *** Options: http://mailman.ecs.soton.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/eprints-tech *** Archive: http://www.eprints.org/tech.php/ *** EPrints community wiki: http://wiki.eprints.org/ *** EPrints developers Forum: http://forum.eprints.org/*** Options: http://mailman.ecs.soton.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/eprints-tech *** Archive: http://www.eprints.org/tech.php/ *** EPrints community wiki: http://wiki.eprints.org/ *** EPrints developers Forum: http://forum.eprints.org/
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- [EP-tech] Re: Advanced Search by date
- From: "Field A.N." <af05v@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
- [EP-tech] Re: Advanced Search by date
- References:
- [EP-tech] Advanced Search by date
- From: Jérémy RAINGEARD <jeremy.raingeard@univ-tlse3.fr>
- [EP-tech] Re: Advanced Search by date
- From: "Field A.N." <af05v@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
- [EP-tech] Advanced Search by date
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