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Message: #04637

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[EP-tech] "Manage deposits" list not sorting

Hello fellow EPrinters,


Running version 3.3.14, we have noticed a strange behavior on the “manage deposits” screen. Items do not sort at all, when clicking on the appropriate column title (see attached screen shots). Nothing changes, only the up/down arrow appears.


The strange thing is that the “revision” list is not affected by this bug, only the “deposits” list.


I have tried to do a “epadmin reorder [archive] eprint” but that does not correct the problem. Both of our live and test versions have this problem.


Did anyone notice a similar bug or has a solution to offer? Thanks!!




Robin Sylvestre

Technicien en documentation

Bibliothèque - Services techniques et systèmes informatisés

École Polytechnique de Montréal

Tél.: 514-340-4711 poste 3743


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