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Message: #04604

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[EP-tech] EPrints Feature Requests

	I was speaking with one of our users, who had seen a feature on another platform that she though would be cool in EPrints.  It was the ability to drag a publication icon from the platform into a document (e.g. email, MS Word), and a formatted citation would appear.  This is the kind of feature that would take a repository developer a couple of hours to implement, and perhaps another 30 minutes to wrap up into a bazaar package and publish.

	This got me thinking further.  There must be lots of ideas out in the community about small features and changes that could be made to EPrints to make its users' lives easier.  Every now and again (though it's rare), I have a Friday afternoon where I have time to attack small development problems and produce bazaar packages.  There may be developers out there who are the same.

	I'd like to collect your ideas.  I've created a 'tricider' at: 


	...where you can register and vote on your ideas.  At the very least we'll get a list of feature requests.  It's possible some of them will be easily implementable.  If there are enough, I might even attempt to organise a developer event to try to get some of them created.

	Please enter your ideas, however big or small.

Adam Field
Business Relationship Manager and Community Lead
EPrints Services
+44 (0)23 8059 8814