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Message: #04598

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[EP-tech] Advanced Search Page render of large number of choices (such as language).



I’ve been asked to find out if there is a “better way” to render a field that has a large number of choices such as the language field that may have upwards of 140 languages all listed on the advanced search page as each individually with a check box.   What I understand we are looking for is if there is a way to have this as a single select drop-down box or a multi-select drop-down box so that the languages field doesn’t take up so much real estate on the page.


Any hints suggestions would be welcome.




Brian D. Gregg

Solutions Architect | Manager Systems Development

University of Pittsburgh | University Library System

Address: 7500 Thomas Blvd.  Room 129 Pittsburgh, PA 15208

Tel: (412) 648-3264 | Email: bdgregg@pitt.edu | Fax: (412) 648-3585