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[EP-tech] Re: How to set a field to be multilang

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Timothy Miles-Board <timothy.miles-board@ulcc.ac.uk>
Date: 18 Jun 2015 11:30 pm
Subject: Re: [EP-tech] How to set a field to be multilang
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk

     name => 'title',
     type => 'multilang',
     multiple => 1,
     fields => [ { sub_name => "text", type => "longtext", input_rows => 3, make_single_value_orderkey => 'EPrints::Extras::english_title_orderkey' } ],
     input_add_boxes => 1,


On 23 Jun 2015 9:09 am, George Mamalakis <mamalos@eng.auth.gr> wrote:
Guys (and girls),

Any news on multilingual fields? Anybody using them?



On 18/06/2015 06:31 μμ, George Mamalakis wrote:
> Hello again,
> I am trying to make my EPrints installation support multilanguage fields
> (eg. title, abstract, etc.). The thing I did that worked (which doesn't
> feel right to me, though) was adding a new Metadata field (eg. title_en)
> and add it to the database and workflow. On the documentation, on the
> other hand, I saw that there is a Multilang field type
> (./perl_lib/EPrints/MetaField/Multilang.pm) which should be used for
> this purpose. The strange thing is that its perldoc DESCRIPTION section
> starts with "not done", probably meaning that it's not implemented?
> Disregarding the last comment, when I changed
> ./archives/myarchive/cfg/cfg.d/eprint_fields.pl title field to read:
> {
>       name => 'title',
>       type => 'multilang',
>       input_rows => 3,
>       make_single_value_orderkey =>
> 'EPrints::Extras::english_title_orderkey',
> },
> and I reloaded epadmin, I got the following error:
> "Error in field property for eprint.title: fields on a multilang
> metafield can't be undefined"
> So, which is the proper way for adding multilanguage support in fields
> and display them in workflows?
> Thanks for all help in advance!

George Mamalakis

IT and Security Officer,
Electrical and Computer Engineer (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki),
PhD (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki),
MSc (Imperial College of London)

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

phone number : +30 (2310) 994379

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