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Message: #04353

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[EP-tech] problems on chrome and firefox on eprints 3.3.14

Hi all,
I'm new in eprints, I've just installed a 3.3.14 version on a fresh installed ubuntu server.

I've followed this:

No customizations on this installation yet.

After installation every thing works like a charm on firefox, but if I call the same installation from chrome or explorer, i'm not able to log in at all.

I mean, in firefox I'm able to log in and admin the system. If I try to log in using chrome, it does not log me (of course I'm using the same credentials, and if I type wrong credentials I get an error message, but if I type the right ones it does not log).

Any idea? is it a miss configuration on my side,  some sort of bug...or what else?

Tnx in advance, looking forward for a kindly answer