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Message: #04309

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[EP-tech] Re: European Cookie Law

Being this Eprints 3.1:

I've copied the eprints_api javascript:

var EPrints = Class.create({
	_currentRepository: undefined,

	initialize: function() {
		this._currentRepository = new EPrints.Repository();
	currentRepository: function() {
		return this._currentRepository;

EPrints.Repository = Class.create({
	initialize: function() {
	 * Retrieve one or more phrases from the server
	 * @input associative array where the keys are phrase ids and the values
	 * are pins
	 * @f function to call with the resulting phrases
	 * @textonly retrieve phrase text content only (defaults to false)
	phrase: function(phrases, f, textonly)
		var url = eprints_http_cgiroot + '/ajax/phrase?';
		if (textonly)
			url += 'textonly=1';
		new Ajax.Request(url, {
			method: 'post',
			onException: function(req, e) {
				alert (e.toString());
			onFailure: function(transport) {
				throw new Error ('Error ' + transport.status + ' requesting phrases (check server log for details)');
			onSuccess: function(transport) {
				if (!transport.responseJSON)
					throw new Error ('Failed to get JSON from phrases callback');
				f (transport.responseJSON);
			postBody: Object.toJSON (phrases)

var eprints = new EPrints();

 and added /usr/share/eprints3/cgi/ajax

Added also JSON module from eprints 3.3 and activated it in Eprints.pm

but I get this:

[Thu Jun 11 10:50:43 2015] [error] malformed JSON string, neither array, object, number, string or atom, at character offset 0 (before "(end of string)") at /usr/share/eprints3/cgi/ajax/phrase line 21.\n

my $input = JSON::decode_json( $json );

so maybe I miss something else?

Il 10/06/2015 11:56, Timothy Miles-Board ha scritto:
Download the 4 files from the bazaar page that start with epm/cookies/cfg and drop them into the equivalent locations in archives/too/cfg





Restart Apache and then go to your repository homepage and hard refresh to pull in the updated js/css.


On 10 Jun 2015 2:43 am, Yuri <yurj@alfa.it> wrote:
I know but I'm running eprints 3.1, and I prefer to install things manually.

Il 09/06/2015 17:44, Alan.Stiles ha scritto:
The easiest way would be to install it via the Bazaar link in the repository admin area
From: Yuri [yurj@alfa.it]
Sent: 09 June 2015 15:34
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: [EP-tech] Re: European Cookie Law


can I download it, and install it manually?

Il 09/06/2015 15:36, Alan.Stiles ha scritto:
Hi Yuri,
if you look in the eprints bazaar there's a plugin for cookies that serves this purpose (though it isn't specifically multi-lingual).
From: Yuri [yurj@alfa.it]
Sent: 09 June 2015 08:33
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: [EP-tech] Re: European Cookie Law

anything on this?

Il 05/06/2015 08:08, Yuri ha scritto:

       is there something available, multilingual if possible, for Eprints to
be compliant with the European Cookie Law? :-)

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