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Message: #04270

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[EP-tech] Re: (Autocomplete in Eprints 3.3.14) Re: Auto complete not working for authors

Does anyone have working auto complete in Eprints 3.3.14?

For me most auto complete fields worked in Eprints 3.3.12 (except for journals I think), but my simple custom auto complete file for projects field broke in Eprints 3.3.13, and in 3.3.14 auto complete for every field but the title field has stopped working.

Original poster Mathieu Perron seems to be experiencing a similar problem, but what about the rest of you guys? Does auto complete still function correctly in your respositories after upgrading to Eprints 3.3.13 or 3.3.14?

Thank you in advance, have a great day!

On 10-05-2015 13:32, Jacob Wenzel wrote:
I have the same problem with Eprints 3.3.14 on Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS with
MySQL 5.5.43.

I made a simple auto complete file for the projects field, that worked
in Eprints 3.3.12, but broke in 3.3.13. Most others worked, though I
don't think Journal title has ever worked.

But after upgrading to Eprints 3.3.14 only Title works, like Matheiu wrote.

On 24-03-2015 13:25, Mathieu Perron wrote:
Hi Alen,

Thank you for your reply!  Don't worry I have a test instance for all this

My MySQL version is 5.0.95 and I did do the databse upgrade after
installing the new version.  After some bug fixing my instance is working
fine (except for one or two missing phrases but I'll get to this soon
enough).  I can deposit new documents, run searches, etc.  But that damn
auto complete is working for the title but not for the authors.

I have checked the eprint_creators_name table and all the varchar columns
have "latin1_swedish_ci" as Collation.  Does it have to be utf8?  From
what I read utf-8 should work with latin1 collation...

Am I understanding this right?

Thanks for clearing that up!

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