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Message: #04246
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[EP-tech] Versioning in EPrints 3
- To: "eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk" <eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
- Subject: [EP-tech] Versioning in EPrints 3
- From: "Simukovic, Elena" <elena.simukovic@wu.ac.at>
- Date: Mon, 18 May 2015 07:56:23 +0000
Hi everyone, we are looking for a way to interlink different versions of an item (“version thread / tree”) that are related to each other but not necessarily in a successor-predecessor relationship. A common use case example is a
(working) paper or a conference/workshop item that is revised and published later as a journal article. Yet using the metadata field ‘succeeds‘ is not appropriate in this case as both versions should be retained and not replaced; a ‘commentary’ by EPrint Object
definition doesn’t seem to apply neither. We had a look f.i. at the DataCite metadata schema (v3.1) where this is implemented with ‘relationType’ and controlled list values
such as IsSupplementTo / Continues / IsVariantFormOf / IsOriginalFormOf etc. As an interim solution we were thinking of setting (external) links as ‘Related URLs’, however, there might be more clever ways to represent internal repository relations.
Maybe there is a way to take advantage of DataObj::EPrint's builtin *_thread (or get_all_related) methods? Thanks in advance and sorry if it has been discussed (resolved?) so far, we were not able to find a proper solution in the list archive. Greetings from Vienna, Elena & Gertraud Elena Šimukovič, M.A. Elektronisches Publizieren und Open Access Universitätsbibliothek Electronic Publishing and Open Access University Library WU
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Vienna University of Economics and Business Gebäude LC
Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria Tel.: +43 1 31336-5148
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