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Message: #04219

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[EP-tech] Re: Shibboleth/SAML and ePrints 3.3.x

On 12/05/15 09:35, Yuri wrote:
Question: Can eprints be run under a reverse proxy?

Yes it can..... sorta.
I'm running two systems (with a common database & a common filestore) through a load-balancer.

The problem exists because EPrints generates absolute URLs for everything (http://web.host.name/view/fooBar/fandangle)

In my case - broker.edina.ac.uk is a public-facing hostname, and is bounced off to either or two hosts (which are on a private network), where the servers are running on higher port numbers

What you do is build the initial system with it's private hostname & weird port number... and get it running OK

Then, having set up the proxy to talk to it, you go in & edit cfg.d/10_core.pl to define the public hostname & port number.... and then do a generate_static (etc) to get all URLs remade with the public URL.


Ian Stuart.
Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


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