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Message: #04208

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[EP-tech] Re: eprintid reassignment

On 11/05/15 11:37, Simon Jennings wrote:
Hi everyone,

I was wondering what the possibility might be of reclaiming deleted
eprint ids. The eprintid assignment is incremental but due to deletion,
and accidentally created records via the new item button, many ids in
the sequence can go unused.

Is it possible to recycle these in some way?

With trickery, all things are possible on code.

The challenge is that the eprintid also relates to directory locations for documents... which means that when you search for "the next free slot", you need to check that the records isn't in use in the database (remembering that records can be in a users inbox or in the retired buffer too), and that the directory [tree] is not present.


Ian Stuart.
Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


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