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Message: #04174

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[EP-tech] Re: Video: Export Plugin Bazaar Package

Hi Adam!

Great, I find it very useful as a showcase for creating Bazaar package.

It would be great if you can create a training video with Screen plugin example if possible eg. adding stuff in citation part, adding new boxes etc.

I remember that I had problems catching up with such issues :) and a training video would be a good start for new repository admins.


On 04/29/2015 12:58 PM, Field A.N. wrote:
I have to admit to having been a little intimidated at the prospect of running a webinar, so I've started small, with an attempt at a training video.


It's 20 minutes long, and walks through the creation of an export plugin, wrapping it into a bazaar package and uploading it to the bazaar.

My question to the community is:  Are training videos of this form useful?

The advantage this has over webinars is the lightweight nature of it (no scheduling, a small amount of prep and post-production).  If it is useful, I'm taking requests for the next video...

Best Wishes

Adam Field
Business Relationship Manager and Community Lead
EPrints Services
+44 (0)23 8059 8814

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