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Message: #04079

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[EP-tech] Re: Inexpensive hosting for e-prints?

Thanks Peter. I will look into VPS Classic. I haven't heard of them
before but the pricing looks right.


On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 6:38 AM, peter <pjw@repositoryservices.co.uk> wrote:
> HI
> Have you looked at OVH? The VPS Classic series may be more than adequate
> and performance would not be too bad if you use the 3 core 4GB  version
> with Ubuntu 14.
> https://www.ovh.co.uk/vps/vps-classic.xml
> Thanks
> Peter
> --
> Peter J. West
> Digital Repository Services Ltd
> On 16/03/15 23:57, Edward M. Corrado wrote:
>> I don't need high performance but reliability is important since some
>> materials are used in graduate classes. As far as what is expensive or
>> inexpensive, I don't know. I guess I would happily part with 20
>> Euros/25$ US without blinking an eye as long as it was adequate for my
>> purposes. Obviously less is better but I am open to paying a bit more
>> if need be. FWIW, this repository is for two researchers, not a whole
>> department or school. I could do what I needed to with WordPress and a
>> free account but I really like the idea of using a legitimate
>> repository program such as E-prints and it has worked well for years
>> but I need to find a new home for it. For those that might be
>> interested in what I'm trying to find a home for, see http://codabox.org
>> Edward
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 16, 2015, at 17:31, Graham Triggs <grahamtriggs@gmail.com
>> <mailto:grahamtriggs@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> What do you consider to be inexpensive? And what level of performance
>>> and reliability do you require?
>>> I've got a tiny EPrints demo box on AWS, and it is slow. Now, if I
>>> bumped the specs up a bit, it wouldn't be - but then it would also be
>>> more expensive.
>>> Price/performance on Amazon isn't great - in particular, disk I/O is
>>> fairly horrible, unless you pay for provisioned IO (expensive).
>>> But the trade-off is that it's a pretty reliable environment. Not
>>> just in terms of their data centres, but that the virtualized server
>>> can quickly be shifted from a failing piece of physical hardware to
>>> another, and you have infrastructure around security, etc.
>>> For some other projects, I've just started taking bare metal servers
>>> at Hetzner - the price/performance is incredible (quad core 3.5Ghz,
>>> 32GB ram, 240GB SSD for 59euros) - but you have no firewalls (only
>>> what you install on the server), you can't recover from hardware
>>> failure so quickly, there is backup space included but you need to
>>> set that up yourself.
>>> It's unlikely you need that level of performance, but you do need to
>>> consider what trade-offs you are willing to make.
>>> On 16 March 2015 at 13:05, Edward M. Corrado <ecorrado@ecorrado.us
>>> <mailto:ecorrado@ecorrado.us>> wrote:
>>>     Does anyone have any recommendations for inexpensive web hosting
>>>     for a
>>>     personal e-prints install? As far as I can tell, most of the cheap
>>>     hosts apparently don't allow mod_perl so I couldn't use them for
>>>     e-prints. I'm considering Amazon but I figured I'd ask others first.
>>>     If you have installed e-prints on Amazon, I'd appreciate any feedback
>>>     you might have.
>>>     Thanks,
>>>     Edward
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