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Message: #04059

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[EP-tech] Error in install.pl when installing ePrints v3.3.13


I'm trying to upgrade our repository from 3.2.7 to the latest release 
3.3.13.  I download the .tar.gz file and install by hand but when I run 
./install.pl I get the following error message : 
"Undefined subroutine &File::Path::make_path called at ./install.pl line 

I thought the error came from the fact I was upgrading from 3.2 to 3.3 so 
I tried updating to another version (in this case 3.3.11) and I don't get 
this error.  The update goes through.  Then I tried to update from 3.3.11 
to 3.3.13 and I stll get the error in the install.pl script.

Someone could help me on this?

Thanks and have a nice day!