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Message: #04026

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[EP-tech] Re: Export subjects in 3.3.13 creates an empty XML

Thanks Lizz but I have already did that.

I have tried to import the default subject tree from eprints 3.3.13 to figure out if something is wrong with the file but no luck. The export to subject.xml is an empty file!!!
So, I have lost all my subject tree and I have no views by subject and division :(
Never had a problem with that conversion before. I just don't have a clue where to search for the problem.

Kostas Pgasinos

2015-03-03 19:19 GMT+02:00 Lizz Jennings <E.Jennings@bath.ac.uk>:

I didn’t have the same errors but did need to update the database after installing 3.3.13 to fix a subject import error.





Lizz Jennings BA MSc ACLIP MCLIP (Revalidated 2014)

Technical Data Officer

The Library 4.10, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY UK

Ext. 3570 (External 01225 383570)


Research Data Management: http://www.bath.ac.uk/research/data



From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of pgasinos pgs
Sent: 03 March 2015 12:59
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: [EP-tech] Export subjects in 3.3.13 creates an empty XML


I have imported subject tree and converted in XML as usual (I have done it many times before in 3.3.12)

/usr/share/eprints3/bin/import_subjects <archive id>
/usr/share/eprints3/bin/export <archive id> subject XML > /usr/share/eprints3/archives/<archive id>/cfg/subjects.xml
but the result is an empty xml. I tried to reindex  

./bin/epadmin reindex <archive id> subject and the result is:

You are about to reindex "subject" in the <archive id> repository.
This can take some time.

Number of records in set: 1
Continue [y/n] ? es
'el' is not a supported Xapian stem language, using English instead
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at (eval 97) line 54, <DATA> line 960.
I have attached the created xml file. What could be the problem?
Kostas Pgasinos

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