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Message: #04015

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[EP-tech] Re: EPrints 3.3.13 Generate_Views Error

Hi Greg

	I have seen this from a few people and also experienced it myself.  I did some debugging, but couldn't find the problem.  I've forwarded it to the technical team to take a look at it.  It's a perl warning (rather than an error), but as you say, it would be better if it didn't appear.

Adam Field
Business Relationship Manager and Community Lead
EPrints Services

On 27 Feb 2015, at 19:10, Greg Whitney wrote:

> Hello,
> We have just installed EPrints 3.3.13 on a test server with our migrated data. When I run the generate_views command, I get the following error message:
> Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at /usr/share/eprints/bin/../perl_lib/EPrints/MetaField/Id.pm line 50.
> Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at /usr/share/eprints/bin/../perl_lib/EPrints/MetaField/Id.pm line 50.
> Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at /usr/share/eprints/bin/../perl_lib/EPrints/MetaField/Id.pm line 50.
> Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at /usr/share/eprints/bin/../perl_lib/EPrints/MetaField/Id.pm line 50.
> Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at /usr/share/eprints/bin/../perl_lib/EPrints/MetaField/Id.pm line 50.
> Probably 1 error message per individual record view generated, as there are screens & screens of this same error message. It doesn’t appear to affect the finished HTML pages, as we can access the Author, Division & Year view lists A-OK.
> However, I would prefer 0 error message when I run stuff….. ;-)
> Thanks! Have a good week-end!!
> Greg Whitney
> Polytechnique Montréal Library
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