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Message: #03972

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[EP-tech] Re: epc:if tests for the existence of values in a compound field

On 25/02/15 09:37, Field A.N. wrote:
Hi Ian

	Can you be more explicit about the way in which it doesn't work?
Specifically - when there is no data in the compound object, the abstract page still displays the table-headings - so you end up with a 1-row table, showing no data

I want to replace that table with some helpful text :)

I've just tried the <epc:choose> - no difference

(and I chose "creator" as my compound field is a bespoke one.... the compound field 'broker' could just confuse people un-necessarily)

	Have you considered the EPrints Control switch statement:

			<epc:when test='creator'>....</epc:when>

	See http://wiki.eprints.org/w/EPrints_Control_Format#epc:choose.2C_epc:when.2C_epc:otherwise

	...also, are you sure the field isn't called 'creators'?


Ian Stuart.
Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


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