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Message: #03953

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[EP-tech] Re: uninitialized values in default archive

Hi Thomas

	The problem with remote diagnosis (by email) of this issue is that there's any number of things that could be causing these problems, and usually there's a protracted process of detective work in narrowing things down.  I've tried to get some insight with my questions, but without a way to narrow down the big question (is it your EPrints Installation, your repository configuration, your database or your software stack), there isn't much more I can suggest.  Attempt to find a way to discount one or more of those four options, and then you problem will be smaller.

Adam Field
Business Relationship Manager and Community Lead
EPrints Services

On 19 Feb 2015, at 07:47, Thomas Lauke wrote:

>> I'm sorry, but nothing jumps out at me.
> No way to debug? No switch to get more information in which situation the warning occurs?
> What a shame!
>> I would suggest setting up another server (even it it's just in a VM on your desktop machine) so that you can experiment.
> I hesitate to start from scratch: new data base, new perl modules and all that stuff ...
>> Do you have a fresh server you could test this on?
>> currently not :(
> Would it be sufficient for this experimental testing to introduce another eprint user temporarily:
> same apache, same data base, but completely different eprints installation ...?
> Tia
> Thomas
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