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Message: #03929

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[EP-tech] Re: uninitialized values in default archive

Hi Adam,

> Could you paste your repository's metadata field configuration?
Why? It's the default configuration for very new repositories generated by `epadmin create` ...

> It should be in your repository's cfg.d/eprint_fields.pl file, but other fields may be 
> added in other configuration files in cfg.d. 
imho all configuration is done per archive, thus any cross-confusion is impossible for the very new one (by already existing and configured archives)!?

> Also, have you added any fields using the 'manage metadata fields' front-end tool.
never; all configuration (but _not_ for the very new one) was done in the files directly

> Finally, have you made any changes to the perl libs in your repository?
no, it's the original file collection of 3.3.13; but what about some conflicts with the added modules or the base perl installation ...?
Does apache's error_log output help?
CGI::param called in list context from package EPrints::Repository line 397, this can lead to vulnerabilities. See the warning in "Fetching the value or values of a single named parameter" at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.20.0/CGI.pm line 437.

Many thanks for any hints in advance