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Message: #03897

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[EP-tech] Eprints as a OAI-PMH Data Harvester -may be missing Perl Module



I have been battling with configuring my Eprints instance as a  OAI-PMH Data Harvester ( Service Provider in the OAI-PMH language).  The configurations seem to be okay. Now when I run the command for importing from a OAI-compatible repository and answering the questions as shown below:



                :~/archives/rczeprints$ ./bin/oai/harvest   rczeprints  --plugin=OAIPMH::OAI_DC --conf=uzir

Are you sure you want to make bulk changes to the eprint table in the rczeprints repository [yes/no] ? yes


I am getting the error mesage

Can't locate object method "next" via package "HTTP::Headers" at /usr/share/perl5/HTTP/Message.pm line 644, <STDIN> line 1.


This points to a missing Perl  module. I cannot figure out which one. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated


Kind Regards,


Admire Mutsikiwa (Mr)

ICT Manager


University of Zimbabwe




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