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Message: #03839

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[EP-tech] Re: CLI Import

Hi Ray

	As to point 1, you are correct.  This is not supported in 3.2.2 (I downloaded it and checked the script).  Point 2 is believable.  I think you may be using the import script in a way that wasn't envisaged.

	Perhaps you could let us know what you're trying to achieve, and we could suggest alternative routes to getting it sorted out.  I tend to control large imports from perl scripts using the API directly rather than from bash scripts.

Adam Field
Business Relationship Manager and Community Lead
EPrints Services

On 22 Jan 2015, at 16:09, CARRICK Ray wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I have created a import plugin which uses the eprints/bin/import command
> http://wiki.eprints.org/w/API:bin/import
> and have 2 problems with it.
> 1. in the doc it says you can pass arguments to the plugin by
>           --argument key=value
> this doesn't seem to be implemented in version EPrints 3.2.2 (Chocolate Cake)
> 2. the return value of the plugin seems to get hidden by the import command. If I test the return value of the import command in a shell script it seems to return success no matter what.
> Is there any other way to pass in parameters to the plugin and any way to get the success/failure of the plugin back out.
> Any thoughts appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Ray.
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