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Message: #03814

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[EP-tech] {Disarmed} International characters in advanced search fail for XML-Export

Hi together,

(using ePrints V3.3.12)

found a strange behaviour in combination Advanced Search / Saved Search / XML-Export whithin context of international characters: If we use a saved search on a author/creator with german Umlauts (international encoding), the XML-Export-Plugin returns an empty XML-Dataset. Database entry savedsearch|spec looks like smart utf8 to us (look at the bottom of this message).

Does anybody know this behaviour ...or better know how to fix it? :)


In detail:

1.) Creating an Advanced Searching for an author/creator WITHOUT German Umlauts (e.g. "Vieler")

- Database shows spec:


- Screen-View:


will be redirected to

MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "www.zoratest.uzh.ch" claiming to be http://www.<eprint-server>.ch/cgi/search/archive/advanced?_action_search=1&dataset=archive&exp=0|1|-date%2Fcreators_name%2Ftitle|archive|-|creators_name%3Acreators_name%3AALL%3AEQ%3AVieler|-|eprint_status%3Aeprint_status%3AANY%3AEQ%3Aarchive&order=-date%2Fcreators_name%2Ftitle 

and works!

- XML-Export for our CMS:


will be redirected to

MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "www.zoratest.uzh.ch" claiming to be https://www.<eprint-server>.ch/cgi/saved_search/export_zora_XMLforCMS2.xml?savedsearchid=<savedsearch_id>&_action_export=1&_output=XMLforCMS2

and works!

2.) Creating an Advanced Searching for an author/creator WITH German Umlauts (e.g. "Krüger,G")

- Database shows spec:


(so "Kr%C3%BCger" looks like good old utf8 stuff to me)

- Screen-View:


will be redirected to

MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "www.zoratest.uzh.ch" claiming to be http://www.<eprint-server>.ch/cgi/search/archive/advanced?_action_search=1&dataset=archive&exp=0|1|-date%2Fcreators_name%2Ftitle|archive|-|creators_name%2Feditors_name%3Acreators_name%2Feditors_name%3AALL%3AEQ%3AKr%C3%BCger%2C+G|-|eprint_status%3Aeprint_status%3AANY%3AEQ%3Aarchive&order=-date%2Fcreators_name%2Ftitle

and works!

- XML-Export for our CMS:


will be redirected to

MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "www.zoratest.uzh.ch" claiming to be https://www.<eprint-server>.ch/cgi/saved_search/export_zora_XMLforCMS2.xml?savedsearchid=<savedsearch_id>&_action_export=1&_output=XMLforCMS2

and fails... let's say: It's empty:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<eprints xmlns="

Jens Vieler
Universität Zürich
Winterthurerstr. 190
CH-8057 Zürich

mail:  jens.vieler@id.uzh.ch
phone: +41 44 63 56777