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[EP-tech] Antwort: Re: ePrint2WCMS

Hi Christoph,

thanks for your answer. It`s just because

- creators_id is not mandatory. in our case is is filled up with the email-adress, but unfortunately only in 5000 of 111.000 datasets.
- there is no method to find out unique authors without a unique id (like ORCID or what ever you want). saved search (querys at all) allow building up publication-lists we need. if two authors share the same name, they can specify more detailed search-phrases, e.g. add their institution...

that`s why i found the blog article insteresting.


Jens Vieler
Universität Zürich
Winterthurerstr. 190
CH-8057 Zürich

mail:  jens.vieler@id.uzh.ch
phone: +41 44 63 56777

Inactive hide details for "cmdt-news@cmdt.ch" ---14.01.2015 11:26:18---hi jens maybe i miss something. but why you are not usin"cmdt-news@cmdt.ch" ---14.01.2015 11:26:18---hi jens maybe i miss something. but why you are not using the author

Von: "cmdt-news@cmdt.ch" <cmdt-news@cmdt.ch>
An: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Datum: 14.01.2015 11:26
Betreff: [EP-tech] Re: ePrint2WCMS
Gesendet von: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk

hi jens

maybe i miss something. but why you are not using the author
(creators_id) page and using its rss.
means, the author page in the WCMS is reading the corresponding rss
feed, which is formated by css in the way you like.


On 12.01.2015 17:00, jens.vieler@id.uzh.ch wrote:
> Hi out there,
> i just want to share some thoughts about using EPrints-Content for a
> publisherlist in a WCMS. In this case a author adds an EPrint and want's
> to find his new item also added (just in time) in a publisherlist on his
> personal web-site. So, our WCMS has to ask EPrint for all publications
> by this author (or department, whatever) and perhaps wants to offer the
> WCMS-user some added special features like sorting, cutting results into
> peaces of 10,20,100  ... things like this. From ePrint-Server we just
> need raw (XML)-Data.
> Our installation uses different ways to create such lists, mostly using
> saved searches, hacking some output through iframes, static
> data-snippets;...all grown through the years.
> So i am searching for a transparent, easy way to teach WCMS taking
> content as quick as possible from EPrint-Server by RSS, XML/XSLT, JSON,
> ...anyway. Our first thoughts went again into the direction of saved
> searches. Found some stuff around
https://eprintsservices.wordpress.com/2014/03/04/using-saved-searches-to-manage-data-feeds-case-study/ -
> many things happend between ePrint V3.2 and V3.3. I also tried out
> shelves-Plugin as a author-driven list-editor: Nice, but not
> automaticaly adding new items; authors always have to do one more
> workflow-step to add items to thier shelf.
> Perhaps i am blind?! Does anybody know a third way, API, trick or know
> how to deal this an easy way?
> Any help is welcome :-)
> Jens
> --
> Jens Vieler
> Informatikdienste
> Universität Zürich
> Winterthurerstr. 190
> CH-8057 Zürich
> mail:  jens.vieler@id.uzh.ch
> phone: +41 44 63 56777
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