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Message: #03761

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[EP-tech] Re: sorting of Divisions

Hi Bin,

A couple of things to check.
Your 3.3 should have this change already applied, but in case it hasn’t it may help

Else this change may well be worth having too
This second change will be in 3.3.13 but not 3.3.12.


On 9 Jan 2015, at 22:42, Bin Han <Bin.Han@concordia.ca> wrote:

Hello everyone:
Happy New Year!
Wondering if you have experienced the same issue from divisions sorting on the view page,
In general, the departments are listed alphabetically, which leaves French characters at the end, however we do want “Études françaises” to be listed in the “E” group, like the following:
We experienced this since EPrints 3.2, and we did a quick fix on the perl_lib modules, however that made EPrints harder to maintain. Recently we are experimenting upgrade on the testing server, it seems that in EPrints 3.3, the sorting on view page behaves the same, and we may have to re-implement the fix on the new module in perl_lib. Just wondering if you have the same problem, or any suggestions?
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