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Message: #03754

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[EP-tech] Diacrtic Encoding in EPrints Perl Programs (eprints_fields_automatic.pl)


I am definitely not a programmer, as the following question probably shows:


In the /data/eprints3/archives/Ecole/cfg/cfg.d/eprints_fields_automatic.pl program, we would like to insert our institution name by default:


                                                # This is a handy place to make monographs and thesis default to

                                                # your insitution


                                                $eprint->set_value( "institution", "Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal" );    



The problem is that we have 2 French diacritics in the name : École Polytechnique de Montréal.


I have tried several variations of coding the É & é with 0 success…..


We have upgraded a test version to EPrints 3.3.12 [Schema 3.3.4], running on RedHat Linux version 2.6.32-504.3.3.el6.x86_64 (virtual server).





Greg Whitney

Section Head, Technical & Computer Services

Polytechnique Montréal Library

2500, chemin de Polytechnique

Montréal, QC

Canada H3T-1J4

514-340-5121 x4646

514-340-4026 (Fax)
