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Message: #03741

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[EP-tech] API IRStats2

hello all and best wishes for 2015!

I try to show some statistics on the home page of my Eprints but without success.. I tried this code:

<div id="mygraph" class="irstats2_googlegraph"/>

<script type="text/_javascript_">
         new EPJS_Stats_GoogleGraph( {
                'context': { 'datatype': 'downloads' },
                'options': { 'graph_type': 'column', 'container_id': 'mygraph', 'view': 'Google::Graph', 'show_average': '1', 'date_resolution': 'month' }


<div id="mytable" class="irstats_table"/>

<script type="text/_javascript_">
document.observe( "dom:loaded", function() {

        new EPJS_Stats_Table( {
                'context': { 'datatype': 'downloads' },
                'options': { 'container_id': 'mytable', 'top': 'eprint', 'view': 'Table', 'limit': '5' }  
        } );


but it does not find a resulting output : "No data found". or it draws a blank graph. Has anyone tried to insert these codes?



Jean Marie Le Bechec
Service Commun de la Documentation
Responsable ingenierie documentaire
Direction du Systeme d'Information
Referent Etudes

Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse
6 allee Emile Monso - bp 34038 -
31029 Toulouse cedex 4
Tel : 05 34 32 31 16
Mail : lebechec@inp-toulouse.fr