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[EP-tech] Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: Xapian install on Ubuntu 12.04

Thank you Seb,

indeed, testing the installation at 3) shows that it is fast!

Best regards,


Dr. Martin Brändle
Zentrale Informatik
Universität Zürich
Winterthurerstr. 190
CH-8057 Zürich

mail: martin.braendle@id.uzh.ch
phone: +41 44 63 56705
fax: +41 44 63 54505

Inactive hide details for sf2 ---23/12/2014 13:59:25---  Hello Martin,sf2 ---23/12/2014 13:59:25---  Hello Martin,

Von: sf2 <sf2@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
An: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Datum: 23/12/2014 13:59
Betreff: [EP-tech] Re: Antwort:  Re: Xapian install on Ubuntu 12.04
Gesendet von: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk

Hello Martin,


1- not real issues, no - but it's a fairly basic implementation - I think it indexes fields which shouldn't be indexed (eg search for "00" will match every records cos the "dir" field is indexed). And there's no advanced features like record caching, faceting, fields collapsing, suggestions, ... all supported by xapian though.

2- nope - I think EPS have one install that uses it but that was being implemented around the time I left so don't know where this went. It's at the "please test this" stage I'd say. But I appreciate it's not an easy task to take on as it requires knowledge of xapian (or solr or else) "under the hood".

3- my test dataset used 22k records: http://vmdev1.eprints.org/cgi/xapian (note I don't control that url anymore) - seems fast. It scales in O(n*m) if I recall correctly, with n the number of (matching) records and m the max number of facet values (m=1 for single fields and max(m) = 5 by default for multiple).

Hope this helps,



On 23.12.2014 08:55, martin.braendle@id.uzh.ch wrote:

    Hi Seb,

    can you answer the following questions:

    - what do you mean by "be careful using the default eprints-xapian indexing" (shipped with eprints 3.3.12) ? Are there any known problems?
    - in as far can the code on
    https://github.com/eprints/xapianv2 be considered as finished and be recommended for production?
    - was faceting tested on a real-world repo having 10'000s of records (and not only on 93 as with
    http://puffin.ecs.soton.ac.uk/) ? Is performance still good? E.g., on http://www.zora.uzh.ch/, depending on the search terms used, one may obtain 1000s of records.

    Best regards,


    Dr. Martin Brändle
    Zentrale Informatik
    Universität Zürich
    Winterthurerstr. 190
    CH-8057 Zürich

    mail: martin.braendle@id.uzh.ch
    phone: +41 44 63 56705
    fax: +41 44 63 54505


    Inactive hide details for sf2 ---19/12/2014 21:51:32---  Sure thing.. install libxapian, libsearch-xapian-perl (yup that'ssf2 ---19/12/2014 21:51:32---  Sure thing.. install libxapian, libsearch-xapian-perl (yup that's

    sf2 <sf2@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
    19/12/2014 21:51
    [EP-tech] Re: Xapian install on Ubuntu 12.04
    Gesendet von:

    Sure thing.. install libxapian, libsearch-xapian-perl (yup that's Search::Xapian) and voila. Then I'd install xapian-tools because some of their utility are damned useful to debup/map a xapian DB.

    Then as a word of caution, I'd say be careful in using the default eprints-xapian indexing (what's shipped with eprints 3.3.x basically) cos it's very basic. Perhaps look up https://github.com/eprints/xapianv2 to do more advanced stuff such as faceting.



    On 19.12.2014 20:25, Tomasz Neugebauer wrote:

    We have the following instructions for installing Xapian on Ubuntu 12.04:


    Install Xapian:



    wget http://oligarchy.co.uk/xapian/1.2.13/xapian-omega-1.2.13.tar.gz

    wget http://oligarchy.co.uk/xapian/1.2.13/xapian-bindings-1.2.13.tar.gz


    tar zxvf xapian-core-1.2.13.tar.gz

    tar zxvf xapian-omega-1.2.13.tar.gz

    tar zxvf xapian-bindings-1.2.13.tar.gz


    cd xapian-core-1.2.13

    sudo apt-get install uuid-dev

    sudo ./configure

    sudo make

    sudo make install


    cd xapian-omega-1.2.13

    sudo apt-get install libpcre3-dev

    sudo ./configure

    sudo make

    sudo make install


    cd xapian-bindings-1.2.13

    sudo ./configure

    sudo make

    sudo make install


    sudo cpan Search::Xapian


    We were wondering if it is preferable to use the Ubuntu packages instead?


    We found these packages:


    libept-dev - High-level library for managing Debian package information

    libxapian-dev - Development files for Xapian search engine library

    libxapian22 - Search engine library

    libxapian22-dbg - Debugging symbols for the Xapian Search engine library

    xapian-doc - Core Xapian documentation

    xapian-examples - Xapian simple example programs

    libsearch-xapian-perl - Perl bindings for the Xapian search library

    xapian-omega - CGI search interface and indexers using Xapian

    xapian-tools - Basic tools for Xapian search engine library


    libsearch-xapian-perl looks to be the equivalent to CPAN’s Search::Xapian?

    Does anyone have any experience with installing xapian on Ubuntu this way?








    Tomasz Neugebauer

    Digital Projects & Systems Development Librarian


    Concordia University Libraries

    1400 de Maisonneuve West (LB 341-3)

    Tel.: (514) 848-2424 ex. 7738

    Montreal, Canada


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