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Message: #03699

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[EP-tech] Re: load values in field B based on what user selects in Field A

Hi Adam

I am  setting up a workflow to store records relating to research impacts.  

I've got 2 fields:  'broad impact' that has a list of values listed in a namedset

Health - wellbeing - welfare
Society - culture - creativity
Business - innovation - economy
Public policy - governance - services
Heritage - environment
Education - formal / informal

and 'defined impact' should has a subsequent list of related terms to pick from that are linked to each 'broad' category

I'm just getting to grips with eprints myself and haven't dabbled with the subject tree yet.  But that hierarchical tree structure sounds like it could be the solution.  


-----Original Message-----
From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Field A.N.
Sent: 18 December 2014 11:10
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: [EP-tech] Re: load values in field B based on what user selects in Field A

Hi Mick

	If you need to force field 1 to take a value depending on field2, then you may want a subject tree rather than two namedsets.  I would be interested in hearing more about the use-case you're trying to solve here.

Adam Field
Business Relationship and Community Manager EPrints Services

On 18 Dec 2014, at 10:22, Michael Eadie wrote:

> Hello list
> I've got a multi-value compound field that has 2 sub fields.
> Both sub-fields are of type namedset whose values are stored in separate text files.
> Is there a way in eprints to populate the select > options for field 2 based on what the user picks for field 1?
> I've been having a look at documentation around file lookups for 
> compound fields, but I'm not sure I'm on the right track with that as 
> these seem to load a single value into the related field (whereas I 
> want a drop down list)
> I suppose this sort of thing would be done client side using javascript  - is this the way to go here as well?
> Any pointers would be much appreciated.
> Regards
> Mick
> Mick Eadie
> Research Data Management Officer
> Direct Line: +44 (0) 141 330 6294
> Room 509
> University of Glasgow Library
> Hillhead Street
> Glasgow
> G12 8QE
> www.glasgow.ac.uk/enlighten
> www.glasgow.ac.uk/services/datamanagement/
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