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Message: #03671

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[EP-tech] Re: How can I help?

hi adam

a bit late but i put here my comment (which i have already sended once
to sheridan):

EP is quite a good software but in my view,
it has strongly needs in improving the core code. with the choosen
finance model, improvments will be spent mostly in new functions.
either payed from research grants (which is getting harder to get in
UK (?)) or payed from organisations which order new functionalities.
on the end not enought for doing core development, HR, sales, support,
... activities?

why not to build-up
a spin-off organisation? independent from the "clumsy" university
rules and try to get financial support with "binding" the universities
(and other EP-operators) with fix and periodic payings for further
development ("maintenance contracts").

and then: a roadmap! how and with whom it will go further with eprints?

i'm looking forward
thanks for your job

On 20.11.2014 15:25, Field A.N. wrote:
>   I'm excited to have just joined EPrints Services as Business Relationship and Community Manager, and my key responsibility is engaging with the EPrints userbase.  For those that don't know me, I worked as a consultant and developer with EPrints Services for over six years, and have always attempted to cultivate strong ties with the EPrints and Open Access community.  I've spent the last two years in the computing services department at the University of Southampton, where among other things I've been championing EPrints for storing research data (presented at OR2014 -- see http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/364266/ ).
>   To that end, I'd like to ask what I can do for you.  I'd like to put about 20% of my time directly into the hands of the community.  What would be useful to you?  Development of EPrints features?  Regular Webinars and/or Training Videos?  Better documentation?  Face-to-face events?  Let me know what's important to you, and I'll dedicate time to it.
>   Please start a public discussion here, and also feel free to contact me directly at af05v@ecs.soton.ac.uk.
> --
> Adam Field
> Business Relationship and Community Manager
> EPrints Services
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