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Message: #03650

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[EP-tech] OR-linked search filters?


we defined for our OAI interface the following filters:

$oai->{filters} = [

# Example: don't export any OAI records from before 2003.
{ meta_fields => [ "type" ], value=>"doctoralThesis doctoralThesis.habil masterThesis bachelorThesis book Periodical article bookPart preprint workingPaper conferenceObject lecture review patent Sound MovingImage CartographicMaterial report", match => "ANY" },

        { meta_fields => [ "full_text_status" ],
          value => "public none",
          match => "ANY",

In addition, we want to let through another existing type for abstracts but only where the subjects contain 340 or "Law" in DDC terms. Is that possible and how can I achieve that?


UB Heidelberg (Altstadt)
Plöck 107-109, 69117 HD
Abt. Informationstechnik