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Message: #03633

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[EP-tech] Re: EPrints User Group Meeting (Winter)

Apologies to Tim (Miles-Board) whose name I've slaughtered twice.




From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of David McElroy
Sent: 03 December 2014 09:42
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: [EP-tech] EPrints User Group Meeting (Winter)


Dear All,

**Apologies for cross posting **

We are very pleased to announce that in collaboration with the University of East London (UEL), the University of London Computer Centre (ULCC) will be hosting the next EPrints UK User Group on Tuesday 13th January 2015 in Senate House.

If you wish to attend remotely, please choose the 'Remote Ticket' option when booking your ticket. Details on how to join remotely will be made available closer to the event.

Draft Agenda

10:00 - Tea, coffee, chat – sign up for discussion groups

10:30 - Introduction/Housekeeping

10:35 - Welcome and matters arising from previous meeting (Leeds)

10:45 - Valeria McCutcheon (Glasgow) - Open Access Update

11:05 - David Baker (CASRAI) - CASRAI

11:25 - Sheridan Brown (Key Perspectives) & Tim Mile-Broad (ULCC) - RIOXX

11:45 - UEL/ULCC-ROAR/data.uel 

·         data.uel development

·         CoinDOI

·         Repository Links

·         Look & Feel

12:05 - ARKIVUM - The future of EPrints integration

12:25 - Tim Miles-Broad (ULCC) - David McElroy (UEL) - It's EPrints, but not as you know it..

12:40 - Adam Field (EPrints Soton) -  Introduction and Community future

12:50 - LUNCH

13:30 - Welcome Back

13:35 - John Salter/John Beaman (LEEDS) - User Access Control

14:05 - Southampton - Pow-wow report/Eprints Update

14:30 - Discussion Groups 1 - to be agreed on the day.

14:55 - TEA BREAK

15:05 - Discussion Groups 2

15:30 - Reports back to room, development wishlist

16:00 - Open discussion

16:30 - CLOSE

You can book your tickets via Eventbrite now



David McElroy

Research Data Management Officer


University of East London

Docklands Library

University Way

London E16 2RD


telephone: 020 8223 6467

twitter: davidlmcelroy




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