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[EP-tech] Re: change subjects list in advanced search to real tree view

Hi Jens,

I would start with a new component field plugin. So your workflow would look like this:

<stage name="subjects">
    <component type="Field::Subject_plugin_by_jens">
      <field ref="subjects" required="yes"/>

Make a copy (including path from InputForm) of perl_lib/EPrints/Plugin/InputForm/Component/Field/Subject.pm to the cfg/plugins directory, rename and build your required functionality in this new pm.

I think that is the "official" way, though there could be others.



Rory McNicholl
Lead developer, Research Repositories Team
Academic Research Technologies
University of London Computer Centre
Senate House
Malet Street

t: +44 (0)20 7863 1344
e: rory.mcnicholl@london.ac.uk
w: http://www.ulcc.ac.uk/

The University of London is an exempt charity in England and Wales.

From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk <eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk> on behalf of jens.vieler@id.uzh.ch <jens.vieler@id.uzh.ch>
Sent: 24 November 2014 09:50
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: [EP-tech] change subjects list in advanced search to real tree view

Dear List,

we would like to change the subjects-select/options in the advanced search to the behaviour of the subject-tree in the "new item"-workflow, cause our list of subjects is long and our customers prefer a functional tree-view.

The workflow stage  we`re talking about is

<stage name="subjects">
    <component type="Field::Subject">
      <field ref="subjects" required="yes"/>

and it`s tree-view would be perfectly used instead of the output generated by perl_lib/EPrints/Plugin/Screen/AbstractSearch.pm - sub render_search_fields

Does anybody done this? Where to start from? Any help or hint would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards