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Message: #03597

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[EP-tech] Re: Httpd forbidden error


(1) apache running as "eprints":

$ ps aux | grep apache2

^ that will show the user it's running as - or look up "User" and "Group" in apache2.conf 

(2) which version of Apache2 are you using (run: "apache2 -version")?

If you're using apache2 v2.4 you need to apply some patches - the thread is there: https://github.com/eprints/eprints/issues/214


If not, well I don't know - look for errors in the apache2 error log perhaps.



On 11.11.2014 10:29, ILINA SYAZWANI BINTI MUSA wrote:

How do I check whether the httpd is running as eprints.eprints? Anyway, the eprints3 folder owned by eprints, group eprints. I also rebooted my server after I changed "selinux = permissive" (/etc/selinux/config), but nothing happened.
Other than that, is there any settings I have to change to make my eprints accessible?

On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 7:17 AM, Mark Gregson <mark.gregson@qut.edu.au> wrote:

I would guess either httpd conf problem or permissions.


Is httpd ru