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Message: #03582

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[EP-tech] simple search preamble phrase not displaying on the user interface

We are in the process of upgrading our repository to 3.3.12 and I noticed the following issue:


In cfg.d/eprint_search_simple.pl, the following phrase is ignored (not generated on the user interface):


preamble_phrase => "cgi/search:preamble"


This issue was reported in 2012, see this:



What is the solution for displaying a ‘preamble’ message on the simple search screen?


We had this in previous version of our repository interface, and we still need it.






Tomasz Neugebauer

Digital Projects & Systems Development Librarian


Concordia University Libraries

1400 de Maisonneuve West (LB 341-3)

Tel.: (514) 848-2424 ex. 7738

Montreal, Canada