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Message: #03455

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[EP-tech] Re: Migrating EPrints

On 09/09/14 11:36, Andrew Beeken wrote:
What I¹m kind of hoping to be able to do is migrate all of our data across
without all of our customisations, try to map it to a vanilla version.
We¹ve made several modifications that have become unwieldy and potentially
problematic, many of them pre-dating my arrival at the university. What
we¹re planning is a purely hypothetical exercise to see if we could bring
all of our content to a fresh system that we can then build back up with a
bigger focus on not only what we need out of EPrints, but also how we need
it to interact with other systems.


I think the EPrintsXML importer will complain if you try have fields in your exported dataset that don't have matching fields in your new database.... and the EPrintsXML exporter just adds every field in the database to the XML record, so you can't filter them that way


Ian Stuart.
Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


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