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Message: #03409

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[EP-tech] Re: Writing slightly more complex searches

Programmatically, could you do

List1 = search (A and B)
List 2 = search (A and C)
ResultList = List 1 + List 2

Possibly slow and clunky though...


-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Stuart [mailto:Ian.Stuart@ed.ac.uk]
Sent: 22 August 2014 14:36
To: eprints
Subject: [EP-tech] Writing slightly more complex searches

Gentle-beings, wonder-folk, and those that lurk....

I'm trying to do

   search for A and (B or C)

For example:

   search for userid=42
          AND (ispublished = 'pub' OR refereed = 'TRUE')

Now, before adding in the "OR" bit, setting up the search is simple:

   $dso = $session->get_repository->get_dataset('archive');
   $searchexp1 = EPrints::Search->new(
      satisfy_all => 1,
      session     => $session,
      dataset     => $dso,
   $searchexp1->add_field( $dso->get_field('userid'),      '42', );
   $searchexp1->add_field( $dso->get_field('ispublished'), 'pub', 'EQ' );

.... but adding in referred causes a problem:
   $searchexp1->add_field( $dso->get_field('userid'),      '42', );
   $searchexp1->add_field( $dso->get_field('ispublished'), 'pub', 'EX' );
   $searchexp1->add_field( $dso->get_field('refereed'),    'TRUE' );

(this is "A AND B AND C")

Any tips?


Ian Stuart.
Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team, EDINA, The University of Edinburgh.


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